Episode 6 – A New World

On the 12th of October 1492, Christopher Columbus made landfall in the New World and forever altered the course of history. He had struggled long and hard to get where he did – for years he had been mocked by scholars, spurned by kings, and frustrated by the interminable turning of the gears of royal bureaucracy. At every step he experienced new disappointments, encountered new obstacles, but with a tenacity that cannot fail to inspire he kept on pushing and lobbying for his grand idea. The final challenge he faced was the voyage itself – an undertaking that required not only skilled seamanship, but also perseverance and fortitude.

Episode 5 – The Enterprise of the Indies

Columbus has gained immortality for his discovery of the New World, but while many focus on his moment of greatest triumph, few notice the years of toil and frustration that led up to his celebrated voyage of 1492. A nameless mariner from Genoa, Columbus endured years of mockery and disappointment before he got the chance to set into motion his great plan for opening an Atlantic trade route to Asia.

Link to Episode on HistoryCourses with transcript:

Episode 5 – Enterprise of the Indies